Clean the fuel tank sender of your diesel G

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mortinson's picture
Joined: 05.11.2003
Location: Madrid, Spain

Unfortunately, due to the low quality of the diesel that we are sold at gold prices even in the first world, the bottom of the fuel tank of our Gs ends up full of gunk. Apart from the fact that we need to be extra careful with replacing the fuel filter and pre-filter at the right intervals, one of the consequences of this is that the sender will start to read wrong because the float will get trapped in the gunk.

To access the sender, we have to undo the numerous screws that hold a plastic piece that holds the rearmost edge of the carpet that covers the boot. Once this is done, we will see a lid in the middle of the boot held in place by four screws. Once the lid is removed, this is what you see

mortinson's picture
Joined: 05.11.2003
Location: Madrid, Spain
Re: Clean the fuel tank sender of your diesel G

The next step is noting the electic connections on a piece of paper for the reassemble. Then undo the metal straps that hold the vent hoses and pry out the hoses. It's kind of tricky with the big one because when you try it the hose has nowwhere to go.

You can then undo the sender from the tank by giving it a 1/16th of a turn anticlockwise. This is roughly what you will see (example, not dissimilar to the one fitted to a G):

mortinson's picture
Joined: 05.11.2003
Location: Madrid, Spain
Re: Clean the fuel tank sender of your diesel G

The aluminium cover of the sender can be removed by undoing a 7mm nut at the bottom of it. You will then see the interior of the sender which you can then clean in a vase or bucket and some petrol. Check that all three (two thin and one thicker) copper cables are intact and that the float can move alongside the central stem freely.

Once clean, reassemble following the above steps in reverse order. If you have done everything correctly, the indicator on the dashboard will work accurately.

Good luck

marcus's picture
Joined: 02.05.2004
Location: Co. Antrim, N. Ireland
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Re: Clean the fuel tank sender of your diesel G

Would you stop buying that cheap supermarket diesel, either that or its too bloody cold this far North for the bugs to breed.
Either that or the Free State has the best diesel going, but the diesel for sale in Donegal comes from Belfast, to my knowledge.
But seriously I was in the diesel tank of my "G"laxy recently ( she was pulling in air ) 1998, 160,000 miles and the fuel pickup was absolutely spotlessly clean, I do appreciate that quite a few of our "G" Wagens are older, and perhaps the pre 1989 steel tanks contributed due to condensation.

Anonymous's picture
Re: Clean the fuel tank sender of your diesel G

Must be your supperior Irish diesel.I had problems with the float sticking with a sort of black gel. Pre fuel filter went black very fast.Talking to a diesel fitter , he said this is normal!

markvulture's picture
Joined: 24.02.2004
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Re: Clean the fuel tank sender of your diesel G

there is actually a bacterial infestation which can breed in your diesel tank and block up the strainer at the bottom of a 460 sensor/pick up tube as well as your in line filters happened to me and the engine physically stopped running! also if you use bio diesel that will "clean" your system agressively, resulting in the same sort of blockages quite quickly!!

Indy G
Indy G's picture
Joined: 29.03.2005
Location: Derbyshire
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Re: Clean the fuel tank sender of your diesel G

Many thanks for the time and effort going into detailed photos and method
Mega helpful!
Seasons Greetings to all!

jim.cook's picture
Joined: 13.12.2010
Location: Wiltshire
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Re: Clean the fuel tank sender of your diesel G

I have exactly this problem with my G and I'm hoping to have a look at the sender over the Christmas break.

This is a very helpful thread but I'm not seeing any pictures.

Is it just me and my web browser or have the pictures disapeared? (Same problem on a trhead about re-building the front hubs...)



mortinson's picture
Joined: 05.11.2003
Location: Madrid, Spain
Re: Clean the fuel tank sender of your diesel G

Hi, I believe that pictures disappeared for an unknown  reason but I managed to find this one...


jim.cook's picture
Joined: 13.12.2010
Location: Wiltshire
GWOA Groups: Members
Re: Clean the fuel tank sender of your diesel G

That's really helpful, Thanks

