Past copies of G WIZZ?

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Indy G
Indy G's picture
Joined: 29.03.2005
Location: Derbyshire
GWOA Groups: Members

This may not be the best places to run this thread,but here goes:-
Having bought my G Wagon, it came with a folder with nearly all past copies of G WIZZ minus a handfull missing.
Is there any way of getting hold of them if I list the issue numbers required?
Would not mind paying a fair price to complete G WIZZ bible for future referance.

Maxwell Smart
Maxwell Smart's picture
Joined: 05.11.2003
Location: London
Re: Past copies of G WIZZ?

First step is to become a gwoa member

And then once you have done that contact Tim Carnell.

Indy G
Indy G's picture
Joined: 29.03.2005
Location: Derbyshire
GWOA Groups: Members
Re: Past copies of G WIZZ?

:lol: I`m one happy member, since about this time last year.
Will pm Tim, Thanks for that.