Whats an original 617 300 Turbo Diesel engine worth?

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Mickey's picture
Joined: 06.01.2006
Location: Birmingham/Leeds

I'm new to the forum.
My father has an aging Mercedes 123 Estate which we had an original 300TD (Turbo Diesel) 300 5 Cyl engine fitted to about 10 years ago.

It was bought from Garrett Turbos where it had sat on a shelf for 15 years after having been run on a dyno once and then shelved.

The diesel pump (specific to the Turbo engine) was rebuilt due to it being sat for so long and the engine has been wonderful ever since. Its now covered 80,000 miles in the car and the car is falling apart around it!

Its currently bolted to a 5 Speed Manual gearbox (not sure if thats any use to you guys with G-wagons) and I even brought back a load of parts from America to get the rev counter working and the correct air con pump (which never got fitted).

It came with a very large T4 Turbo which took forever to spool up, I built a hybrid turbo for it from a T3 using the T4 compressor housing and wheel so that it would spool up earlier (however I have the original Turbo if need be). The car returns 32mpg regularly. The next improvement was to be an intercooler.

As my father has now bought another 123 series Merc due to the bad bodywork of the first (he was thinking of swapping everything over) but he's now over 60 and is never gonna get to it.

He won't let go of the dam car!! However if I can tell him I can get him X-amount for the engine etc etc... my mother would be very happy :wink:

So... whats the engine and associated bits worth?

Thanks in advance.


buckalec's picture
Joined: 30.03.2004
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Re: Whats an original 617 300 Turbo Diesel engine worth?


Are you a GWOA member?

How did you hear of this Forum?

Is it your intention to join, or to purchase a G-Wagen?

A little rich posting here if answer is no to any of the above, try Ebay.

buckalec's picture
Joined: 30.03.2004
Location: Belfast
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Re: Whats an original 617 300 Turbo Diesel engine worth?

re-read that again, maybe a tad harsh?

Point I was trying to make is, this Forum, a veritable font to us all, is funded by the fee paying membership.

IMO it is not an Exchange and Mart for non-members (anyone!!) to dip into, benefit from and then disappear.

I know of several who have bought vehicles off this very Forum, believing the vendor had increased credability purely because it was posted here. Sadly, and to their cost, this is not always the case.

Yes, a few points there to consider... some I am sure will disagree. I await your comments. :?

buckalec's picture
Joined: 30.03.2004
Location: Belfast
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Re: Whats an original 617 300 Turbo Diesel engine worth?


Mickey IS a member, according to the member list. Hopefully no offence taken.

My point I believe remains valid.

mercfan's picture
Joined: 31.07.2004
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Re: Whats an original 617 300 Turbo Diesel engine worth?

So... whats the engine and associated bits worth?

Depends on so many factors...

Send me a PM with a contact telephone number so that we can talk and I'll give some ideas.


ps In the meantime, look up the engine number and have it to hand.

Greeney's picture
Joined: 05.11.2003
Location: Limousin France
Re: Whats an original 617 300 Turbo Diesel engine worth?

On Buckalecs point I agree with you completely.
I actually built the original forum and website (for my sins) for the club about 2years ago hoping it would turn into a great ADDITIONAL medium for the club to move forward and gain more members. It has worked in as much as we now have nearly 750 registered on the site but has gone backwards in terms of being a club. If all those who registered on the site were members we would have money for a club mag, club Regalia etc and i think this, amongst other things has made the original board members dispondant to the point of leaving the board.
I know some say the forum is a free place with free speech but it still belongs to the club and the club pays the fees to keep it up and running. I still think that it could be a proper medium to advance the club but something needs to be done about it. "Online payment for club fees" Is a number 1 priority I think, if people have an easy way to pay they would... "Password protected areas on the forum so it keeps the cream of the info for Fee paying CLUB MEMBERS"
Even a split club fee ie £12 for internet club users only and the normal fee for those that have the magazine etc.
I know it is opening another can of worms but I, like you martin, think it needs to be said.

raqtreloar's picture
Joined: 12.05.2005
Location: herefordshire
Re: Whats an original 617 300 Turbo Diesel engine worth?

i would imagine with online fee payment the membership would expand very rapidly, myself included !, but it is no doubt a fairly costly thing to set up and administer

markvulture's picture
Joined: 25.02.2004
Location: sidcup kent
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Re: Whats an original 617 300 Turbo Diesel engine worth?

wouldnt paypal be a cost effective answer to this?

buckalec's picture
Joined: 30.03.2004
Location: Belfast
GWOA Groups: Members
Re: Whats an original 617 300 Turbo Diesel engine worth?

On it's way......

whelanrob's picture
Joined: 11.11.2003
Location: ireland
Re: Whats an original 617 300 Turbo Diesel engine worth?

did you figure out what its worth, and whether it is for sale or not. I would love to know