Who says they don't make right hand drive Gs anymore

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Dan's picture
Joined: 19.06.2005
Location: Cheshire

They sell Gs in Japan so they must be still making right hand drive versions.

Check out the link.


Maxwell Smart
Maxwell Smart's picture
Joined: 05.11.2003
Location: London
Who says they don't make right hand drive Gs anymore

and they sell them in London too. Just check out Mercedes of Mayfair
www.g-wagon.co.uk or http://www.g-wagon.co.uk/intro.htm.

But that doesn't mean they are RHD...

But actually if you read the posts in the for sale section AMG is offering 2006 RHD G55s but at a cost of £100K - £30K above the cost of a LHD.

Dan's picture
Joined: 19.06.2005
Location: Cheshire
Who says they don't make right hand drive Gs anymore

If you look at the pics on the Japan site you can see they are right hand drive. I spoke to someone at ORC and they told me that AMG were going to start selling G55s in Japan.

Maxwell Smart
Maxwell Smart's picture
Joined: 05.11.2003
Location: London
Who says they don't make right hand drive Gs anymore

Dan wrote:
If you look at the pics on the Japan site you can see they are right hand drive. I spoke to someone at ORC and they told me that AMG were going to start selling G55s in Japan.

Sorry, but I only see LHD drive in the pics.

Yes as mentioned in the previous post, the rumour is RHD G55s will be on sale from October at a premium of £30K above LHD.

But hopefully this will have a trickle down effect. I've also just heard that the rumour about the MOD buying Gs is still alive and kicking, so that may help.

Fingers crossed for those of us who can't afford or justify a £30K premium just for RHD. Especially on a G that I can't even use off-road.

mortinson's picture
Joined: 06.11.2003
Location: Old beehive, Madrid, Spain
Who says they don't make right hand drive Gs anymore

I can tell you for a fact: no RHD G-Wagens have been made at the Graz factory since 1999.

The only RHD Gs ever made since are military G290 GDTs for the Cypriot army made in the ELBO Salonika factory (see: http://mercedesgwagen.galeon.com/familia677285.html )

All Gs sold in Japan in the recent past are LHD. In fact, the Japanese believe that owning an imported LHD car is cool so they've always been happy with importing LHD Gs. Check this site and you'll see it: http://www.g-saeki.com/ (Go to the stock information, you'll barely see any RHD G-Wagen)