W460 1981 Upgrade?

3 replies [Last post]
ZV8888's picture
Joined: 27.11.2010
Location: Ireland


I have a W460 GE280 1981 that drives, is in medium condition for it's age, but poor condition by modern standards.  I am considering being silly and upgrading the whole thing with a turbo diesel engine, body repair / upgrade and complete interior refit.  I know it sounds crazy, but I am trying to persuade myself that it is a sensible thing to do.  It might not be quite as crazy as you would think, because I live in Ireland and I would only have to pay £40 road tax and £50 insurance plus no MOT required.  A job of this scale is outside my ability.

(1) Is it a stupid idea?
(2) Where should I get the work done (I assume GB)?
(3) Any idea how much it might cost?
(4) Any other fool out there done this before and want to share their woes?


fixwin38's picture
Joined: 09.07.2006
Location: northern ireland
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Re: W460 1981 Upgrade?

I suggest you take it along to Eddie Gilmartin  in Dublin at "needamerc" on this forum who will be able to advise you of the costs and if the host vehicle is worth rebuilding

ZV8888's picture
Joined: 27.11.2010
Location: Ireland
Re: W460 1981 Upgrade?

 I can't believe that I don't know this guy!  Thanks for the contact info.  I'll be in touch with him.

foneman's picture
Joined: 16.03.2005
Location: Derry City, N Ireland
Re: W460 1981 Upgrade?

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