Replacing ignition switch lock barrel

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gib's picture
Joined: 17.11.2010
Location: abingdon
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Possible double post as any posts i make seem to get lost or double posted at the moment!!!!!!!

I know security is a headache to post on forums , but i need some info from anyone who has BTDT or has any good links.

I have managed to get 3 door handles, ign barrel, glove box with matched keys for £130 from Mercman ( very good price IMHO).

The door handles are all replaced but i need info on the ign lock change as i presume there is a point to drill at with a certain depth, angle and drill bit size. I can't find any info on this.

Side note has any one converted the barn door to have an internal switch to lock the door ala 461 / 463. Can parts be used from these to retro adapt a working setup?



Pistonhead's picture
Joined: 17.12.2006
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Re: Replacing ignition switch lock barrel

Ideally, you are better off commissioning this job to your dealer, for there is a removal tool for this job.

But, if you wish to struggle, although, a hit or miss result, you can do the job using two short  welding rods.  Take two pieces of about 6" long and make a 90 degree-bend at on of the ends of both pieces.

Turn your ignition to the first turn.  By doing this, you will notice one or two slots on the silver part of the barrel line up with notches on the outer black cover.  Slide your welding rod into the holes and hopefully, if the rod slides through the correct side of some wire lock, the outer black cover will pop out and you can withdraw your barrel.

If not you just have to keep trying.  You may need to profile the ends of the welding rod by filing a wedge to one end.

The idea behind this is so when the rod are inserted into the holes the filed side should face inside, facing the barrel, once in, twist the rod through 90 degrees so the filed edge will now turn to face upwards at a 12 O'clock position, the filed edge helps to insert the rod under the wire lock and by twisting the rod it helps compress the wire lock away from the outer groove of the black cover hence releasing the barrel.

Good luck

gib's picture
Joined: 17.11.2010
Location: abingdon
GWOA Groups: Members
Re: Replacing ignition switch lock barrel

Thanks for the reply you must have done the job on another ign barrel as the diesel one was simplicity it self.

At firts i stripped the whole ign switch out of the car but found the way to remove the barrel (If you have a key) is a 2 min job and can be done with the barrel in situ. If any one wants to know how PM and if i think you are not one of Kray's siblings then i will send back the info.

I now have one key for the doors and ign switch. Just need to sort out the glove box and petrol cap!!!

Still struggeling with the glow plug issue thou and its too hot to faff about on cars today.