OM 603 conversion from OM617
Hi Everyone,
Im doing a engine conversion from 617 to 603 in my 83 lwb. The 603 is from an w124 and has already been used in my friends 460 300gd from 87 for a short while . He changed it to a Musso engine as he needed more power. I will be using the car for long journeys and I already have a w124 with the 603 engine and I love it for its reliability and simpleness and I know this particular engine is in good condition.
The 603 engine which I have has the oil and pump modified, the air intake is from a 300TD so I will just make a connection to the air filter on the same side. I also have the engine support mounts which fit.
I will be connecting the engine with the original 4 speed gearbox and I know the gerbox - engine connection will fit.
I would like to know what problems will I be going through before start?
I know that I need to buy the exhaust output to fit the exhaust pipe.
How about the glowplugs? I have the original 603 glowplug steerer and can it be easly connected or will I need to make a seperate manual switch for this?
What about the gas pedal cable?
Is there a step by step thread somewhere with such a conversion as I couldnt find it on this forum?
As I start I will document the whole operation on this forum with pictures.
Sorry for my english ;)
big thanks for any help!
it was my pleasure , well done pawel -it works !!
good for you to get it done /not easy especially when you hit obscure problems with parts mismatch etc.
i await my limited edition 'treasure chests' or 'rustler' back catalogue gold editions as a token of appreciation ...
Looks like a neat sure Axel has not nipped across and done it for you?
All prepped for an OM606 in a few years time now...
looks very tidy in picture - well done !
Im going from 603 turbo to. 606 now. I will have a complete engine less pump. Turbo is available. As far as we know it will need one piston and ring set as it was slapping. The basics are there fir a nice engine. I may post it on the for sale ads when done. Not sure. How much
Axel...just read yr reply.laughed till my stiches hurt
Tony, good to see you back on line again!
Hope the R&R goes well.
Thanks for all Your helpfull hints...