Run out of diesel - again !
I officially hate G-Wagen fuel gauges! Have run out of diesel 3 to 4 times with at least "1/4 tank still there" I now do the mileage thing - but I lent it to a friend who is now stranded. 1992 463 300GDL
Can anyone tell me the best way of bleeding the air out - she refuses to start. 14mm spanner starting at the back of the block and turning it over one by one until the diesel is running at the "front cylinder!? Couple of spare batteries standing and strong desire to buy a new PUR?!
Axel are you there - this would be a trivial question for you!
Is the tank empty? You may have 1/4 tank left but the outlet is blocked with diesel fungus gunge.
Engines are meant to be "self bleeding", meaning that you just crank away...
It's easy to check the fuel gauge accuracy. When the gauge reads 1/4 you should (only) be able to put in approx 72L. If you are putting in closer to 90, then the gauge or sender is out.
Filterhead O rings playing up ?
I had this on mine. If you look inside the tank there is a plastic bowl right in the middle above the fuel outlet ( On the bottom of the tank) fuel is supplied internally from a pipe connected to the return , unsure why Though does mean fuel is always being filtered.. This pipe brakes off leaving the situation you have now.
Easiest solution is to not go beyond a 1/4 of a tank. You could replace tank but expensive option, or remove tank ( Not that easy on 463) and remove sender and drill through the flower pot which will probably work.
It could be the diesel filter at the bottom of the tank gummed up with fungus, but you have to use special tool to remove that ( and drain tank). I removed mine after 5 years , virtually clean.
I replaced tank in the end , but seemed ok on the bodge option
Roly - 15 litres put in. She is used once or twice a week (earth leak battery drain permitting) so there should not be gunk about.
Did a lot of cranking - no go. The last time she ran out bleeding was not required ...