Gs are not made to go off road!

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Maxwell Smart
Maxwell Smart's picture
Joined: 05.11.2003
Location: London

So a funny exchange happened the other day between my wife and the mercedes mechanic who came to drop off our G after a service.

mechanic: What have you being doing to your car? There was so much mud in the engine compartment we needed to steam clean it.

my wife: Why using it off-road of course.

mechanic: What?!?! No!

my wife: Why? Its a 4x4 and thats what its made for...

mechanic: No! Not for off-road use! For driving around the city.... it should never be driven off-road!
I guess the 4 wheel drive is only meant for getting over curbs then... :lol:

mortinson's picture
Joined: 06.11.2003
Location: Old beehive, Madrid, Spain
Re: Gs are not made to go off road!

mechanic: What have you being doing to your car? There was so much mud in the engine compartment we needed to steam clean it.

my wife: Why using it off-road of course.

mechanic: What?!?! No!

my wife: Why? Its a 4x4 and thats what its made for...

mechanic: No! Not for off-road use! For driving around the city.... it should never be driven off-road!

Such is the knowledge of the average mechanic of the G....


Depressing thought.

Bill Moss
Bill Moss's picture
Joined: 09.11.2003
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Off road

Where is this nurd J, I,ll take mine in for a service just for the laugh.

mark's picture
Joined: 06.11.2003
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Gs are not made to go off road!

Thats what they said to me when i towed my Sprinter in with a hydrauliced engine, lol..

Russ280's picture
Joined: 06.11.2003
Location: Trefonen
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Gs are not made to go off road!

Sadly he's correct 99% of the time......................including G's. Anyway off to look up how to spell irony in the dictionary.

Rustbucket's picture
Joined: 18.12.2003
Location: Penicuik, Scotland.
Gs are not made to go off road!

What age was he? 16? :shock: And an imature 16 at that :lol:

AndyC's picture
Joined: 29.11.2003
Location: Lightwater,Surrey
Gs are not made to go off road!

Obviously a main dealer mechanic