606/603 swap no start problems
After many hours I've got my 606 together and have fitted the 603 pump. I'm trying to run it out of the car but can't start it. Things I've done:
Checked the engine has both camshaft lobes pointing up on number 1 cylinder
engine at 14 degrees after TDC on crankshaft balancer
i can see the pointer in the pump 'hole'. It's a manual 603 pump. I used a locking bolt when I removed it
Bled fuel out of injectors and delivery towers
I even took the pump out again, turned it through 360 degrees( can see the pointer still) and reinstalled it incase it was out of phase ( not sure if this is possible)
I'm not sure if I have it rigged up correctly to make it run. I can turn it over but the wires I'm using are getting hot/melting. I'm going to use proper thick jump leads next. I've got voltage at all glow plugs. Tested the plugs without removing from head (don't need the hassle right now) and they were all under 1.5 ohms which I think is fine. Do I need to connect the idle control to voltage as well? Trying to bleed/ start it has killed the new battery so it's on charge for a day. Any thoughts welcome.
Is diesel coming out of the injector unions if you loosen them?
Are the heater plugs getting hot,? they wont start without heat but don't need a lot.
Triple check the timing....if it's 360 out it'll never happen.
The cams have marker dots http://www.peachparts.com/diy/om606timingchainstretch/03.jpg
Did you lock the engine to do the pump change?
Is there white smoke coming out of the exhaust,?
Is there white smoke coming back out of any inlet ports? the valves often stick a bit on engines that have been stood. so long as a couple are seating it should start and pop a bit till the others seat.
Take the lift pump off the IP and pump the plunger with your hand with the pipes connected make sure it's bled properly and no air is getting into the system.
You might want to reconfigure the fuel pipes so the lift pump is the first thing the fuel gets to, Merc have these pulling the fuel through everything else so the fuel system on the engine is largely in vacuum so has the potential to suck in air, this is one of the main reasons W210/606 cars get scrapped.
If I think of anything else I'll be back on later
07812 081818 if you want to call ...........Gordon
No white smoke means no fuel going through the injectors, to bleed it without turning the engine
TAKE THE LIFT PUMP OFF and pump the plunger inside the pump. Try re routing the fuel system in this order
- Lift pump
- fuel heater
- fuel strainer on the top of the filter
- Strainer bottom to LH inlet
- centre outlet to injection pump inlet
- injection pump outlet to bleed off on filter
This way the whole injection system on the engine is under pressure so it won't suck in air
see the photo
Good luck, Gordon
Hello Gordon. Thanks. There's no plunger on my pump to bleed. No smoke. I know one plugs getting hot as I had to fit a new one. I didn't want to pull any out in case they snap. I didn't lock the engine to take it out/ fit it. I didn't use the 'basket' just kept the pump sprocket in place with wedges and it didn't rotate I think. Do you think the cams slipped.? You could be right I will have a look inside properly instead of just peeking under the pipes. Do I need to lock the cams ? Fuel coming out of injector connections. Will also bleed filter. D