461 290GD engine oil leak "V" clamp seal needed

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Griff's picture
Joined: 14.12.2006
Location: North Yorkshire by the sea
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I've notice an oil leak on what looks like an waste gate but it's above the turbo and its coupled to a tube that connects to the exhaust manifold so I'm not sure what it does, there is a "V" clamp that needs a new seal or a complete "V" seal assembly could anyone identify the part number. The engine number is 6029832041883

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gav.helme's picture
Joined: 29.04.2011
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Re: 461 290GD engine oil leak "V" clamp seal needed

That's the EGR Valve and Pipe...what do you actually need? Not sure by the V description?


Griff's picture
Joined: 14.12.2006
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Re: 461 290GD engine oil leak "V" clamp seal needed

It's the clamp below the valve Gav it looks like a jubilee clip but bolted with a rubber seal inside.

I can strip it this weekend and get a better picture of it if you want?

gav.helme's picture
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Re: 461 290GD engine oil leak "V" clamp seal needed


It's just a Clamp, that pipe only carries Exhaust Gas, so nothing to Seal for really...you will get oil mist in there especially as the engine ages and it bums a little, but it should not be running in oil? Maybe it collects there if there is a joint?

The pipes have a tendency to fracture, especially on the flexible section....

The set up consists of..

Pipe A602 142 04 64 £15.80

Clamp A603 995 12 65 £10.80 each (One each end of the pipe)

Gasket (Engine to Valve) A604 142 05 80 £1.35

Valve A002 140 26 60 £106.00

All retail and plus VAT

It is popular on conversions when this type of engine is put into G's to blank the EGR Valve off and run without it

Obviously this factory fit on your model



Griff's picture
Joined: 14.12.2006
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Re: 461 290GD engine oil leak "V" clamp seal needed

Thanks Gav

That's correct its not leaking as such but it will drip occasionally, I can only think it's oil mist from the rocker box. I'm not sure how it works it must open with vacuum from the pipe that's connected to the end of the valve, the car has 160000 miles on so there will be some wear on the engine.


Griff's picture
Joined: 14.12.2006
Location: North Yorkshire by the sea
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Re: 461 290GD engine oil leak "V" clamp seal needed

Thanks Gav

That's correct its not leaking as such but it will drip occasionally, I can only think it's oil mist from the rocker box. I'm not sure how it works it must open with vacuum from the pipe that's connected to the end of the valve, the car has 160000 miles on so there will be some wear on the engine.